Q&A: Point of Reckoning

Last month, at the launch party for Point of Reckoning, I had the opportunity to answer questions about the book posed by Gisela Fosado, my editor at Duke University Press.  You can watch the video of the Q&A below.  If you have any of your own questions, please feel free to contact me here or in the comments below.



  1. Sheree dierdorff on March 16, 2023 at 11:58 am

    As I understand it, my cousin, Lee Kuntz, who was a senior at that time, was the person responsible for inviting MLK to speak at duke. The administration wasn’t pleased with his choice of speaker but Lee’s committee did not need approval from higher ups. I think Lee picked him up and brought him to the university but was not invited to the dinner. Do you know what the schedule was that day and who went to the dinner? So glad for all your work highlighting his life’s journey but so sad that we have hardly made a dent in this area.

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